Mandrino a pinza

Tipo: Softsynchro Modular MQL 2-canale

Collet holder Softsynchro®Modular/MQL 2-channel for minimum quantity lubrication and with minimum length compensation for use with threading tools on machines with synchronised spindle.

Product features and benefits:

For use with ER or ER-GB collets.
Exchangeable MQL-transfer elements and length adjustment screws for optimum adaptation to the tool.
The minimum length compensation in compression and tension is able to compensate pitch differences between spindle and tool.
The minimum length compensation prevents miscutting threads and improves the tool life.
The MQL design enables a flow-optimised transfer of the MQL medium from the machine spindle to the threading tool.
Suitable for minimum quantity lubrication up to 10 bar.

Mandrino porta-pinza
Softsynchro Modular MQL
Dettagli tecnici
Mandrino porta-pinza
Softsynchro Modular MQL
Mandrino porta-pinza
Softsynchro Modular MQL